Hi Folks,
Today, we will checked our sccm client according to their lastest login date on AD. You can use below script to check that but ıf you want to check 2 different domain, both of them be trusted.
#Script Title: Get Sccm no client last logon date
#Author: Selcuk ERGUL
#Date Created: 11/27/2017
#Version: V1.0 - First relase by Dursun ALACAM
# V2.0 - Check 2 different domains added by Selcuk ERGUL
#Description: Check clients on AD according to lastest logon date.
# Import the ActiveDirectory module to enable the Get-ADComputer CmdLet
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$CurrentDir= split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$gun = "-30"
$gun = -30 # How many days ago, client was not logon.
$Dates=[DateTime] $(get-date -format "MM/dd/yyyy H:mm:ss tt").tostring()
$ax="ComputerName;Ip;Enabled;LastLogonDate;Expire Days;DistinguishedName`r`n"
#####Enter Domains Name ###########
$DSName1 = "domain name 1"
$DSName2 = "domain name2"
Import-Csv $CurrentDir\no-computers.csv -Delimiter ";" |
ForEach-Object {
if ((Get-ADComputer -server $DSName1 -Filter "Name -like '$ComputerName'" -Properties LastLogonDate,IPv4Address).name -eq $ComputerName) #SCCM client domainde varsa
$AdComputer = Get-ADComputer -server $DSName1 -Filter "Name -like '$ComputerName'" -Properties LastLogonDate,IPv4Address
$adDistinguishedName=$AdComputer.DistinguishedName -replace '[,]',' '
elseif((Get-ADComputer -server $DSName2 -Filter "Name -like '$ComputerName'" -Properties LastLogonDate,IPv4Address).name -eq $ComputerName)
$AdComputer = Get-ADComputer -server $DSName2 -Filter "Name -like '$ComputerName'" -Properties LastLogonDate,IPv4Address
$adDistinguishedName=$AdComputer.DistinguishedName -replace '[,]',' '
$ax+="$ComputerName;;;;Domainde Yok;`r`n"
out-file -filepath "$CurrentDir\$gun No computer $(Get-Date -Format dd-MMMMMMMMMMMMM-yyyy).csv" -InputObject $ax -encoding UTF8
write-host "$ax"
write-host $AdComputers.count $noclients.count