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  • Yazarın fotoğrafıS.Ergül

Copy Files to Fonts

Güncelleme tarihi: 19 Kas 2020


aşağıdaki scriptimiz ile windows fontlarında güncelleme yapabilirsiniz.

rem ##########################################################
rem #Author: Selcuk ERGUL  
rem #Date Created: 01/18/2019
rem #Version: V1.0 - First relase.
rem #Description: Copy Windows Fonts.
rem error 100 yeni fontlar kopyalanamamış
rem error 200 silinememiş
rem ##########################################################
robocopy "\\servername\CONTENT\Fonts" %windir%\fonts /E /LOG+:\\servername\CONTENT\FontLog\%computername%-font.txt
DEL /F /Q "%windir%\fonts\DeleteFontsName*.ttf"
if not EXIST  %windir%\fonts\Neo-Bold.otf goto error
if not EXIST  %windir%\fonts\Neo-Condensed.otf goto error
if not EXIST  %windir%\fonts\Neo-CondensedBold.otf goto error
if not EXIST  %windir%\fonts\Neo-CondensedLight.otf goto error
if not EXIST  %windir%\fonts\Neo-Light.otf goto error
if not EXIST  %windir%\fonts\Neo-Regular.otf goto error
if not EXIST  %windir%\fonts\ALSANBOL.otf goto error
if not EXIST  %windir%\fonts\ALSANLIG.otf goto error
if not EXIST  %windir%\fonts\MinionPro-Regular.otf goto error

if EXIST  %windir%\fonts\SansTR.ttf goto error1
if EXIST  %windir%\fonts\SansTR-Bold.ttf goto error1
if EXIST  %windir%\fonts\TR-BoldItalic.ttf goto error1
if EXIST  %windir%\fonts\TR-Italic.ttf goto error1
if EXIST  %windir%\fonts\TR-Light.ttf goto error1
if EXIST  %windir%\fonts\TR-LightItalic.ttf goto error1
if EXIST  %windir%\fonts\TR-LightItalic_0.ttf goto error1

exit /b 0

exit /b 100
exit /b 200

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