Hi Folks, Today we will install MP-Management Point Role to Our existing Sccm Environment. First of all, we have to add some features to our IIS on server which is using to MP role.
.NET Framework 4.8 (which version is seen on your server, minimum version 4.5)
BITS Server Extensions or Background Intelligent Transfer Services (BITS)

Application Development
ISAPI Extensions

Windows Authentication
Basic Authentication

IIS 6 Management Compatibility
IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
IIS 6 Managagement Console
IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
Management Service

After all requirements done, we continue to sccm console
Open the SCCM console
Navigate to Administration / Site Configuration / Servers and Site System Roles
Right click your Site System and click Add Site System Roles
On the General tab, click Next (IF you try to install mp role without unauthorized user on sccm console, you will not be success. You should have to continue with authorized user on sccm.)

On the Proxy tab, click Next ( if you have proxy, please configure it)

On the Site System Role tab, select Management Point, click Next

On the Management Point tab
Select the desired client connections methods. HTTPS required to have a valid PKI certificate for client authentication also select Generate alert when the management point is not healthy which is used to check the status of MP on sccm console.
Click Next

On the Management Point Database tab, specify if you want to use the site database or a database replica.
Specify if you want to use the computer account of the Management Point to connect to the database or a specified account

On the Summary tab, review your settings, click Next and complete the wizard

You can check log files on below details;
ConfigMgrInstallationPath\Logs\mpMSI.log – Records details of about the management point installation
ConfigMgrInstallationPath\Logs\MPSetup.log.log – Records the management point installation wrapper process