Hi Folks,
Today we will check .netframeworks on clients, as you know , Sccm guys used some kind of querys to get related datas from clients. .Netframework is one of them, until 4.8 version, it is seen on add/Remove program sections on System settings.
We will use Run Script feature on sccm console. Go to Sofware Library / Scripts Section, right click then select Create Script.

Then fill Script Name as NetFramework Versions and select Script Languase as Powershell then write your script on Script Area or choise Import buttom to add script to below area. Then click Next to finish adding scripts on sccm console.

After that you have to approve script before using on your collections. Click script then select Approve /Deny thick on console, then Approve or Deny Script windows will open then click next and choise approve radio button then click Next to finish approving the script.

After all, we apply our script to the collection from which we want to get the .netframework version details. After click collection, then rigth click on it and choise Run Script then script section windows open then select NetFrameWork Version script then click Next,

After script running on clients, we can monitor on below details.

.NetframeWork Release details - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/how-to-determine-which-versions-are-installed?redirectedfrom=MSDN#net_b
Script Details;
$Release = (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full").Release
Switch($Release) {
"378389" { return ".NET Framework 4.5" }
"378675" { return ".NET Framework 4.5.1" }
"379893" { return ".NET Framework 4.5.2" }
"393295" { return ".NET Framework 4.6" }
"393297" { return ".NET Framework 4.6" }
"394254" { return ".NET Framework 4.6.1" }
"394271" { return ".NET Framework 4.6.1" }
"394802" { return ".NET Framework 4.6.2" }
"394806" { return ".NET Framework 4.6.2" }
"460798" { return ".NET Framework 4.7" }
"460805" { return ".NET Framework 4.7" }
"461308" { return ".NET Framework 4.7.1" }
"461310" { return ".NET Framework 4.7.1" }
"461808" { return ".NET Framework 4.7.2" }
"461814" { return ".NET Framework 4.7.2" }
"528040" { return ".NET Framework 4.8" }
"528049" { return ".NET Framework 4.8" }
"528372" { return ".NET Framework 4.8" }