Hi Folks, Today we will check one of installation issue on ccm client agent. Few days ago on our live environment, some of our Vm clients suddenly gets to no agent status.

First of all ;
we think that there is a problem on MP, after we check Mp but everything looks like ok.
then we tried to delete "SMSCfg.ini" in %windir% folder but problem still persistanced.
After that we tried some queris on SQL server to on revoked clients with below queries to find GUİD problem on same client
Select * from ClientKeyData where isrevoked=1
Then we will use below query to delete duplicate after ccmexec service restarting on clients, we still get Server Rejected registration Reques:3 error.
Update ClientKeyData set isrevoked=0 where isrevoked=1
We still did not find any solution, one of our IT guys said that " May be it could bu from certification store place ?" then we get the light in our brain and we apply below steps to solve this problem.
In the Server, opened Administration > Site Configuration > Sites > Site Properties. In Client Computer Communication tab clicked on Modify.

In Custom Store field entered: SMS

And then installing the client, with below command line CCMCERTSTORE
After That all Vm get to green lights on Sccm console.